We have different sizes of helmets for the children of all the ages. It doesn’t matter if your baby is a walking toddler or a helmet wearing pre-teen, we have a size guide to help you choose the right helmet for your child’s head comfortably. You will be able to see the chart easily on our website or at a shop.
A helmet is considered fitted on a child’s head, when it is firm yet comfortable on it. It should sit squarely and low on the head, one to two finger-widths above the eyebrows. The helmet should not slide around whether shaking of the head, nodding or any other motion is performed. The chin straps should always be appropriately firm while not too tight as to allow a two finger fit under the chin strap.
Of course! Every single helmet we provide is crafted for a child who is active and growing! The helmets are provided with an adjustment system to allow for comfortable use by your growing child. So the helmet will be stable and comfortable for any activity including riding bicycles or blades.
At StreetJam, we always look for a balance between safety and comfort with our helmets. Our helmets are constructed of high-quality, light-weight materials, including an inner EPS foam and spaghetti-like outer plastic shell. The foam protects the head from the ground in case of a tumble while the outer shell provides more than just cushioning. These materials are however hard wearing, yet allow ventilation so as to keep your child’s head cool and safe even while playing.
It is so simple to keep your child’s helmet in clean condition! Simply apply water and a soft rag on the external head of the helmet. On the other hand, do not wash the helmet with strong solvents and scrape it with hard things since they will spoil the helmet. Besides, never dip the helmet in water as this may alter the remaining wadding inside the helmet which is meant for protection. Cleaning and taking care of the helmet can help in retaining it for a longer period.
Absolutely! First things first. We want to convince you that there is no compromise in safety. Each and every brain bucket from our collection has passed rigorous tests and is CE, CPSC, ASTM, etc. certified. So you can be sure that your child will be protected in the best possible way while riding a bike or skates or playing any active games.
StreetJam helmets come in fun styles in many colors and designs that kids adore. From pretty solid colors to beautiful designs and graphics, something will match any child’s design. Our helmets guarantee the safety of the children but are pleasing to the eye thus your child would not feel shy and would look forward to wearing one.
In addition, we suggest that you change your child’s helmet about 3 to 5 years, or right after any major impact or fall, irrespective of whether the helmet appears damaged or not. This is because helmets wear out with time and to ensure that your child gets the best protection they should use fitted ones as they are growing.
We certainly do not want your kid to despise his or her helmet and we completely understand that the design or fit may at times not be perfect. If for any reason the helmet is ill-fitting or if your little one does not like the helmet we offer a most convenient return and exchange policy. Simply reach out to our support agents and we shall ensure that you have the correct helmet for your kid.
We have a diffrent sizes of helmets fro the children of all the ages.It doesn't matter if your baby is a walking toddler or a helmets wearing pre-teen, we have a size guide to help you choose the right helmet for your child's head comfortably, You will be able to see the chart easily on our website or at a shop.